newest entry 2003-07-16 4:17 p.m.

Busy trying to get all my work done before I leave for my vacation on Thursday evening! Do not fret, Dear Diary, I am bringing the laptop, and will update regularly.

Monkey is bringing Coney into work with him tomorrow, so we can hit the road at 5:00 PM. My puppy will be mere blocks away from me while I toil.

I have been reviewing Kitaro CDs all day and my brain hurts. This guy is so cornball...and just when you think one of his songs is going to be quiet and reflective, he bangs you over the head with some bombastic flourish. Ouch! Quit bangin', Kitaro!

A co-worker leant me a CD by The Darkness, which I only got to hear a bit of before it got snatched away again. Reverbed vocals, heavy guitars and a snotty AC/DC attitude: I love 'em!

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