newest entry 2003-08-23 7:42 a.m.

After I posted yesterday about so many people leaving my company, another person left. It was unclear whether she'd been laid off or was quitting. Either way, saying good bye was one of the first actual conversations I'd had with her--and she hugged me, too. This was reassuring because I was convinced that she didn't like me.

If it takes someone losing their job for me to get a hug, then I'm all for it...

Meanwhile, I was put on another project at work, which means they can't get rid of me yet.

After work, I went to see some friends playing a show at The Museum of the American Piano. It's a tiny hole in the wall on lower Broadway, stocked with all kinds of beautiful antique pianos, some dating back to the 18th century.

They have weekly recitals there, and last night's theme was "innovative songwriters." And innovative they were. I felt really happy to be listening to these people pour their hearts out at their respective pianos. No posturing, no image-mongering, just three eccentric people telling us their stories.

Monkey and I are officially looking to expand our canine family. We are going to adopt another dog. This time, we seek a small-ish adult dog who doesn't have dominance issues.

When we were away last weekend, we boarded Coney with a nice lady from the dogpark. Today at the park, C. zoomed over to the lady's collie and couldn't bear to leave the collie the whole time. Monkey had to drag him away on the leash, and then when he took him off-leash again later, Coney ran back to be with the collie.

I was moved--I always assumed that Coney just loved the ones he was with. This is the first evidence that he has bonded to another dog.

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