newest entry 2002-10-15 9:08 a.m.

Attentiveness is the path to true life;

Indifference is the path to death.

The attentive do not die;

The indifferent are as if they are dead already.


This morning: a blind man is waiting to cross 42nd Street at 6th Avenue. His Golden Retriever seeing eye dog is seated at the curb. The WALK sign lights up, we all start to cross. The dog stays seated, yawns, looks around, licks his chops, hangs out. Eventually he catches on and leads his guy across the street.

Even seeing eye dogs are capable of slacking off on the job!

Busy, busy, busy at work this week, and that�s good.

I have to amend yesterday�s comment about Love Etc.: it�s fun to read, but I didn�t meant that it�s stupid. It�s Julian Barnes, so it�s tart and insightful, even when it�s being funny.

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