newest entry 2002-08-05 10:36 a.m.

We broke down and got an air conditioner yesterday. I�m no fan of conditioned air, but the prospect of even one more sleepless night was sufficient motivation to make good on Monkey-Mom�s year-old offer of buying us one. We slept well last night, and woke up early to run on the beach. Good life.

At one point during my run, I stopped and took off my shoes and just mosied (moseyed?) along the shore. I felt completely at peace and happy. It's as if the human body were meant to waddle along in the sand...

Last night we had dinner at our friend Sal�s house. He�s studying to become a gourmet natural foods chef, and dinner (barley salad, grilled pizza) was amazing. His friend came over who�s studying to become a massage therapist. We schemed about running a full-service massage/yoga/chef operation for touring bands (we�re all musicians, too).

I've been messin' around with Illustrator. What a cool application.

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